
Christian Education For ALL AGES
Faith is not a destination, faith is a Journey

777 25th Ave, East Moline, IL

Sundays at 8:45 a.m. - 4 years through 5th Grade  "God's Kidz" (and 3 year-olds with a parent) experience Bible Stories and concepts through the Workshop Rotation Model Sunday School.  They focus on a specific story or idea for several weeks experiencing it through Bible Stories, Drama, Crafts, Kitchen Time, and other ways of learning.

First Presbyterian Church of East Moline

God's Kidz in Mission:  Several years ago the church joined the children in collecting enough nickels to make a mile!  The Children continue to vote on and fund mission projects from this money. 

"Committed to Loving God, Loving Each Other and Reaching Out to People"

  • The Good News Class studies the Bible together using Presbyterian Curriculum.  They meet in the classroom beside the elevator.
  • The Second Floor Seekers meet in the Library, learning together in a variety of ways with Bible Study, DVD Studies and book studies.

Sundays at 8:45 a.m. - Our Youth in 6th to 12th Grades  meet in the Youth Room for Bible Studies, discussions, DVD's and time to talk about their lives.

Sundays at a.m. - Adults 


  • God's Kidz
  • Our Youth
  • Adults

Nursery Care
Women's Group
Youth Group
Vacation Bible School
Confirmation Classes

Nursery Care during COVID is discontinued.  Nursery Room is available for parental use.

8:30 - 11:15 a.m. September to May, 9:45 - 11:15 a.m. June to August

We welcome all children to worship with us; there is a Children's Sermon for them each week - with the exception of the first Sunday of the month when we share the Lord's Supper together.  There is also Nursery Care for Infants through 5 year olds provided each Sunday, both during Sunday School and during Worship.  The nursery is located at the north end of the building on the main floor.

Sunday Morning Acolytes - 3rd - 12th Graders - Bearing the Light of Christ in Worship
When you are an acolyte you are bringing the light of Christ into the sanctuary for the service or worship - this is a very special responsibility for all children and youth of the church 3rd grade and older.  Following worship you lead the congregation out of the Sanctuary with the light of Christ, reminding us to carry the Light of Christ with us into our daily lives.  If you are interested in being an Acolyte, please talk to Pastor Becky.

Our Presbyterian Women's Group meets for Bible Study, meetings each month on the First Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m, March through December.  They use the Horizons Bible Study.

2nd Friday Night @ The Movies  All adults are invited for a movie and snacks.

Special Events for God's Kidz  Quarterly gatherings for Grade School Aged Children and Pre-Schoolers with their Parents, such as Mini lock-ins, Bowling and Roller Skating.  

Youth Group for 6th to 12th Grader  The Youth Group meets once a month for learning, serving and having fun together.  We are always looking for more Youth to join us!  Every three years we go to the Presbyterian Youth Triennium.

Vacation Bible School  takes place mid-July each year.  We meet from 5:45 - 8:15 pm. Sunday through Thursday, with an All-Church Potluck on Friday night.  The community is invited to join our children 4 years through 4th Grade, 5th & 6th Grade Jr. Leaders, 7th to 12th Grad Youth Leaders and Adults as we celebrate God's love through Worship, Bible Stories, Crafts, Games and other learning centers.

Confirmation Classes are offered every-other year.  These are classes for youth in the 8th and 9th Grades, who learn and prepare for membership in the church.  

We believe that growing in faith is a life-long process; therefore we offer Christian Education opportunities for all ages (4 year-old through adult).  Classes are offered on Sunday mornings at 8:45 a.m. September through May, as well as periodic mid-week opportunities.